Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy Hour at J G Crummers w/ Lilly.....

Lilly has a new Gig, as a bartender at JG Crummers in Penfield. It's something that she seems to be alright at! So we go out and support her while she does it!
This guy is Our own Eric Saab! He talks just like he types.... Intelligently... but A LOT! ;-)

The Chindo Nation made an appearance, and so did some of the 95.1 Fox Staff. Murph was there along with Hot Intern Stacy. Obviously a cheek chewer! LOL

Lilly announced some number for raffle drawings and gave out some tickets to the lucky winners.

Murph taught the new intern how to work at a promotional gig, with a beer in hand!

Lilly actually got beers out of the cooler...

And pretended to take pictures....

Patty and Her Husband Frank came for some fun and Even Cashman showed up for a few cocktails.

Not So Christian John was there again, and he even brought his wife.... Just to show her the kind of people he hangs out with and why she should be VERY worried!!! LOL

Murph apparently didn't get enough ketchup on his fries so he was gonna guzzle the bottle....Stacy stopped him just in time!

Stacy fills out that t-shirt quite well.... what does it say again?

All is well, things are going great, Huston there is NO problem!

" ....So as I was saying before....."

Lilly Poured the whiskey with care, and never spilled a drop!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

DON'T KNOW if any one looks anymore, but...

Just in case someone is checking it out who hasn't been in The Lounge lately, the Chindo Nation is going to get a load of Lilly at JG Crummers in Penfield on Thursday November 5th from 7-9pm because LILLY is tending Bar!! Since it seems that the radio gig isn't working out.... No it's a guest thing, but her new weekly gig. Gt out and have a brew and harrass Lils behind the bar!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Chindo Nation @ Mama san's

Okay, so here's the thing, sometimes you know exactly what you are getting into, and sometimes you take a leap of faith. I'm generally one who looks at the situation and if I like my chances I give it a shot! Well, tonight I considered the chance were good that I would have some fun, and get to try something new, and maybe meet an interesting person. The food and the company were good, in fact the food was really great, and I can't wait to try more of the menu, but that's MamaSan's, it really is worth it's reputation. The Chindo Nation (minus a few faces) got together to jabber and jaw, and toss back some chow, and we were joined by none other than that cradle-robbing, size-queen Lilly! Yes indeed, in person she is very cool. I suspected as much, just because I know that she is intelligent, and she has a spine, so I truly expected nothing less than good company, and I was pleasantly surprised that she is model Gorgeous as well!

Have you ever met someone and you knew that in a different life you could probably be the best of friends, just because you can understand them in a way that most people probably can't? Not everyone will feel the same way about the same person, and there are those who will never be able to have a meeting of the minds with each other. Then there are people who seem to smack each other in the forehead because they see eye to eye on so many subjects. Somewhere along the line you realize that it feels like sharing a brain. Yeah, I only know one person like that, and I haven't met anyone like it recently, but I did enjoy actually talking with Lilly, and listening to some of her stories. Yes, she is way younger than me, but so what? She has great experience so far to pull from, and I can see that she will go far. Anyone who has been a long time listener of Wease knows that he has a knack of picking people who will go on to great things, and Lilly is no exception!

On the radio, she plays a role, she is the foil to Wease and Jamie, but she is also a cheerleader when she has to be. I like that about her, and as much as I bitch about it, I also like the fact that she plays the curmudgeon role as well, she has to piss on stuff too, and she does it well. There is so much more to her that the radio audience has yet to learn, and if they are willing to stick around for the ride, I think that they will be truly surprised by what they find. I always suspected that there was a lot more than what I was hearing and I am very happy to know that I was right! Truly a good human hidden behind the character, and I'm glad to say that I had the chance to share her company for a while. I hope that someday in the future I will turn on the TV and point out that I had dinner with her once at MamaSan's in Rochester NY!
Cashman and Pattycakes, plus the company of the Husband and son of Patty. Toss Lilly in for the picture and you have a great night of interesting food and great conversation! It should be a regular thing!

Friday, July 10, 2009


talent- n. - Natural aptitude or skill.

Funny how it seems that some people have all the talent, while others struggle trying to find that one little thing that they are good at. People like Elvio, or my dear friend Dave Viterna, who can dissect a song just by listening to it, they can play any instrument they pick up, and some that they have to sit down at! Then there are those who can argue a point effectively, and never seem to have a wrong analogy. The debate is what they live for, always with a better argument, and the perfect examples. Wease, is the man for that, he is the best outright debater I have ever heard. He claims to have a terrible memory, but fire him up and watch the wheels spin, he can pull minutia out of thin air and make the Pope believe that there is no God and Satan is just a naughty little kid.

Some people have a talent for writing, conjuring stories out of their own fertile minds, making new worlds that we the reader can fall into with such conviction that we will breathlessly await the next installment, and mourn the death of a character on a page almost as if they were our own family. Rowling, Tolkien, and King are great examples of this talent.

For every activity under the sun, there is somebody who is just naturally good at it. Sometimes we find our talent through no particular effort, and our lives are so much the better for it, while others of us, seem to search our entire lives and never seem to find something that comes easily to us. We struggle with a goal that we wish to attain, and we battle against the current, but when the day ends there will always be someone better than we are. I love music, and I am a passible singer, but when it comes to playing an instrument? Even a tamborine is too complicated for me! I took piano lessons for three years as an adult, because I have always been drawn to the piano, but I needed to devote way more time to it than I had to give. I still noodle at the keys now and then, and I can still play a few things, but I will never be a "pianist" by any stretch of the imagination.

Sometimes we find our talent and have no idea what to do with it, or how to use it to our advantage. I can't draw, and I will probably never be a syndicated columnist, or a published photographer. Sure I have videos up on "youtube," but then who doesn't? Nope, my talent is in languages. I can add a new language to my brain with almost no effort, but I need to have someone to practice with. I can only go so far by listening to movie soundtracks or CD's, but when I learn from Native speakers, you can bet that my accent is nearly flawless. If I could be dumped in any country in the world with a basic knowledge of their language, I could be near fluent in less than 3 months, and have the local accent to the point that the locals wouldn't know I haven't lived there most of my life. I have been a mimic as long as I can remember, and I actually remember getting smacked by my dad when I was a kid trying to imitate the way that my great-grandmother spoke English. You see her first language was Mohawk, and I absolutely loved her accent. I wanted to learn the language when I was a kid, but we didn't spend enough time on the rez, so I only learned the few words that my dad knew. But when I heard my Great grandparents use the language between themselves, It was like a magic world for me, and I wanted in!

I grew up floating along the radio dial, and living this close to Canada, there was always a good half dozen places along the dial where the language was French. French-Canadian, but still French enough for me! I listened intently trying to pick out things that I knew, and occasionally I would hear something that sounded familiar. Later I found out how much French, Spanish and Italian are similar because of the Latin base, and it dawned on me why so much sounded familiar, but not quite right, becase we used English versions of the same words, for the very same stuff! That's when my gift kicked in for me, because I immediately understood how to find the similarities in any language and to apply it to the next one.

Where will I ever use this talent? I have no idea, I would love to have the time and money to simply travel and learn, but unless I win a big lottery pot, that seems highly unlikely. Had I truly understood my talent 25 years ago, my life would probably be TOTALLY different right now, but I believe that we generally lead the life that we want, whether we admit it or not. Sure we complain about our lot, but even though most of us have the power to change it, we continue on in our little routines. Why upset the cart? Why take a risk?

Sometimes even a talent needs to be nurtured and drawn out. No matter how gifted the musician, they all need practice to get the flow of the music. No matter how good the painter or the photographer, they still need to understand the basics, and know the rules, then they can break them at will and expand the horizons in their fields. Everyone has a talent, but not everyone knows what theirs is, if you do know, you're ahead of the game, and if you've found a way to use it and enjoy it, so much the better.

If you haven't discovered your talent yet, keep looking, you may be surprised by what you can do.